The decision to move to Hyderabad, India wasn't a difficult one. Just after my 30th birthday I found myself at a crossroads and knew I had to make a change. It just took me awhile to identify that change. In the spring of 2010 - I jumped at the opportunity to spend 5 weeks training new hires at our Hyderabad office, and quickly realized that is where I needed to be. Many things intruiged me about India. The diverse culture, the amazing work ethic, the excitement of an intense population of individuals in a single geographic location, and the mix of old tradition and emerging ennoblement. It had always been a dream of mine to live abroad. Naturally that comes with many expenses, both emotional and financial.
My first goal was finding employment. While I had a little bit in savings, I needed to ensure my financial security long term, so the great job search began. After several month of scouring job ads and sending out resumes, I decided to pursue opportunities within my own organization. Fortunately, the fairytale experience I've had over the past five years with my current employer, extended across the ocean and I was welcomed with open arms at our Hyderabad office.
The process was a long and slow one, and even as I write this, there are still outstanding pieces. Learning to navigate the laws in terms of employment, establishing residency, and obtaining the appropriate work visas is not an easy task. Luckily I had an amazing team working to make the transition happen.
As always my family was very supportive. In situations like this, all of the missed communication opportunities are brought to light. Since announcing my decision to move, communication increased as did visits. Although we'll be further apart geographically, I think living abroad will enhance our dedication to keeping in touch and probably result in us being closer to one another. I'm experiencing the same with my friendships. Every weekend is filled with visits and talks and catching up with folks previously taken for granted.
I hope you'll join me on this life changing journey. I welcome your comments and feedback each step of the way.
lovely amiee...